With Smart911, you can add key information about hearing loss for yourself or members of your household in the event of an emergency, whether the call is from the home or any mobile phone. You create a profile, add relevant information such as address, phone number plus optional information. You can add additional phone numbers that are associated with your household, cell or landline, etc. Most importantly, you can include information about your medical condition, disability, etc.
Once a profile is submitted, Smart 911 forwards that information to the appropriate PSAP (public safety answering point) which is the local 911 call center that services the phone numbers associated with your profile. When a 911 call is placed from any of those numbers, all submitted information (including medical, disability or access and special needs) is displayed on the screen at the 911 center and will be communicated to the responding agencies.
This service is free of charge. For more information go to www.smart911.com