I recently responded to this question posed in the Hearing First Professional Learning Community and shared this reply.
I just opened a few of my therapy closets and here is what I saw in no particular order. I prefer traditional toys that are open-ended and use no batteries for young children. Preschool Toys and books for are often an easy find at a resale shop. Over the years many families have given me their must-have AVT toys that their child has outgrown and I passed them on to new Little Listeners.
- Buckets, cups, spoons for water or digging in styrofoam peanuts, colored rice…
- Early Music instrument set - tambourine, drum…
- Jumbo cardboard blocks by Melissa and Doug
- Toys related to songs, nursery rhymes and storybooks
- Blankets for tents
- Tunnels or tents
- Beanie Babies and puppets
- Balls - all sizes
- Farm, Zoo, Pet Shop toys
- Wind Up toys
- Simple riding toys
- Wooden and cloth blocks
- Play food - play kitchen, store or restaurant
- Water play toys - from bath toys to dishes for washing
- Fisher Price Little People Sets (vintage is best)
- Wooden beads (animals or vehicle) threading
- Stacking and Nesting Cup Sets
- Wooden puzzles
- Doll House
- Cars, trucks, buses, boats
- Basic train set with track
- Mr. Potato Head
- Play Dough
- Dress up clothes
- Tool Set
- Tea Set
- Babydoll/baby blankets, baby food/bottles, and diaper bag contents
- Books, books, books